We Offer Limited Scholarships for the Course

Kindly use this form to express your interest in helping to make this event a success. Partial scholarships are available to those who have need and can perform various tasks before, during and/or after the event.

  • Please click when you are available to perform promotion and/or logistics tasks to offset your scholarship. You will be expected to put in up to 8 hrs for up to 1/2 the requested donation. Smaller scholarships are available for less time commitment. Check 1 or more boxes (Use Command key to click several.)
  • Please list kinds of things you can do, such as: hang flyers, play parking assistant, on-line marketing and social media buzz, write article or interview promoting the event, prep lunches and cleanup,... Also if you have special needs: can't lift over 50 pounds, need rideshare to event, strict vegan, etc...
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.